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FCC Trainers

Managing Director, CEO & Chief Trainer


Dr. Rohan Bedi, MCSI, FICA, is the Managing Director & CEO of SFCCA. He is the course creator and trainer for all our online courses. He was earlier a trainer with Euromoney Learning. He has previously worked with JPMorgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and PricewaterhouseCoopers in Singapore from 2001. He has earlier also worked with HSBC and ANZ Grindlays Bank in India. He has held important regional management roles and is a known thought leader. His exposure covers all banking businesses. He has authored a book on money laundering (received a PwC award also see NLA) and his co-authored eLearning  was used by AUSTRAC for years (see US INCSR 2009) for free market training. He has been closely associated with NUS & NTU and has been on the ICA International Board of Advisors for six years.


Rohan is a Singapore citizen. He is author of "Indian National Security & Social Cohesion" (Fair Observer USA), and is a novelist ("The Second Attack"). Also see



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Whilst the trainer for all our online courses is our Managing Director & Chief Trainer Dr. Rohan Bedi, we offer an optional masterclass top-up for corporate training, which can be run by different trainers depending on who is available/ is authorised by SFCCA to provide training support in a particular location. The content for this Masterclass offers a deep dive into specific topics only. It does not duplicate with the original course and is intended to offer more worked examples (incl. tech.), and local regulatory training e.g. UAE, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Nigeria etc. The fees for this top-up are additional and differ by location.


Our current panel of trainers includes:

Senior Trainer

Africa, Middle East and Pakistan


Faisal Anwar is a seasoned FCC trainer & consultant with diverse experience of 30+ years with top-notch banks, i.e., RBS, ABN AMRO, Bank of America, and HBL as well as an MDB, ETDB (Turkey). He has been in leadership positions such as COO and Chief Global Compliance Officer and chaired/served on various management committees including the Training & Development Committee. 


Faisal recently assisted IBP as an expert for the design of courses on “Ethics & Professionalism” & "Compliance" for the ISQ certification. He is a member of B20-Italy Task Force on Integrity & Compliance for providing policy recommendations to the G20 Leadership. He has been a speaker/panellist at various forums.   


Faisal has attended several courses overseas & locally at institutions like IMD in Switzerland; Center for Creative Leadership in Belgium; LUMS; and is a graduate of ABN AMRO’s Senior Management Course in the Netherlands. 


Faisal holds an a B.Com (Gold Medalist) degree from Punjab University, BBA (Distinction) & MBA from the Universities of Oklahoma and Texas, USA respectively. He is a Certified Director (ICAP) and holds CCEP-I (Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional – International) qualification of SCCE, USA. 


Faisal will provide SFCCA training support albeit he will not be involved in the management of the Association.


Faisal lives in Toronto, Canada.

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14 Robinson Road, #08-01A Far East Finance Building

Singapore 048545




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